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The Brain Hijack: Help! My Spouse's Brain Has Been Hijacked!

marriage Sep 30, 2024

As a private practice counselor, I hear many different stories and struggles from my clients. People usually come to me with their challenges rather than their celebrations, although there are times when they do share positive experiences. One common issue I have observed is what I call "your spouse's brain has been hijacked." This phenomenon has become more prevalent in the last two or three years.

I have seen this "hijacking" manifest in various ways, such as through addictions, affairs, pornography, alcohol, or drugs. Regardless of the specific problem, there is often a gradual distancing from the marriage over several months or even years, culminating in a sudden revelation of the issue, which leaves the unsuspecting spouse shocked. The spouse involved in the affair or addiction often expresses disbelief at their own actions, claiming that their behavior was completely out of character and that they feel like their brain was "hijacked."

Watch the video conversation with Bryan, Stephanie, their friends Phillip and Kristen for more information on "The Brain Hijack".

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