Transform Your Life
Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Bryan & Stephanie Vignery focus on assisting individuals and couples to see new perspectives and make lasting change in their lives.
The Drama Triangle, also known as the Victim Triangle, is a model of dysfunctional social interaction developed by psychotherapist Stephen Karpman. This model outlines three roles that people might...
Have you ever woken up with your mind whispering "I CAN'T" before your feet even touch the ground? This seemingly small word can be one of the most damaging excuses we allow ourselves...
Through my experience as a mental health clinician, I've recognized the profound connection between nutrition and mental well-being, particularly how unhealthy relationships with food can...
It's well-known that excessive consumption of sugar and processed foods can lead to serious health issues like obesity and Type II diabetes. However, what's less recognized is how these dietary...
As a child, you likely heard from your parents that you have choices to make. Little did you realize then how profound those choices would become as you grew up! We've all made a mix of excellent...
Renewing Your Mind - Part 1
People often come into my office looking for help, and what I've noticed is that they're held back by their own thinking patterns. These patterns start to form right...
Renewing Your Mind - Part 2
I've often wondered how I should reshape my thinking or what lessons I needed to learn from life's defining moments. These moments, especially the negative ones, were...