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Overcoming the Past - BE and Overcomer

Aug 01, 2024

The rearview mirror of our lives holds many lessons. Looking back can be both motivating and enlightening if we've taken intentional steps on our journey. This post is a reflection on my life's rearview mirror, acknowledging the deliberate steps that have brought me to where I am today.

My journey as an influencer began in 1992, something I never imagined as a child. Growing up, I was always the one influenced, following the crowd to fit in, convinced I had little value to offer others. This mindset led me to live a life of submission to external pressures, whether healthy or harmful, causing havoc in my life and those around me. Embracing this past was crucial to stepping into my role as an influencer.

Raised in a shame-based family, I was set up for defeat before even discovering truth. Truth, in my understanding, is God's design for our lives—a reflection of His presence. Embracing Him brings true freedom.

Music was my gift, and from age four, it was where I found glimpses of my worth, serving as my saving grace. We all crave true acceptance, driving our behaviors and thoughts. When we align this desire with its divine Source, freedom emerges.

Life presented me with a platter of "not good enough," "insufficiencies," and "inadequacies," leading me into a cycle of self-defeating thoughts. This distorted thinking positioned me for disaster, which began at thirteen, robbing me of what I mistook for freedom. I was caught in deception, buying into lies.

From age eight, I searched for significance, often ending up in potentially destructive behaviors. I occasionally thought I'd found it, only to recognize my selfish desires were obstructing the path. Despite this, I kept moving forward, sensing I was created for more, even if I didn't know what that was or how to achieve it. The real question wasn’t "Why me?" but "Why not me?

The past doesn't define me, but it has shaped me into someone who can contribute to the greater good. I can share this story, having escaped potential destruction, because I have found my purpose—a greater "why." There was always a plan for my life, even when I couldn’t see it. All those years of searching culminated in understanding and embracing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He created us with a purpose beyond our comprehension. He is enough; I am enough.

Embrace your past today, letting it propel you into the purpose for which you were created. You are enough!

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